WARNING! Please read before deleting your account:
- Deleting your account will erase ALL of your Waypoints, Lines, Shapes, attached photos, saved Tracks, and Offline Maps on all onX apps (Hunt, Offroad, and Backcountry).
- Deleting your account DOES NOT cancel your subscription. Please cancel your subscription prior to deleting your account. Click here for instructions on how to cancel your subscription.
- Deleting your account CAN NOT be undone.
- By deleting your account, you will lose access to ALL onX apps (Hunt, Offroad, and Backcountry) tied to this account.
- Accounts may take up to 30 days to be removed from our system.
If you just use onX Offroad on your desktop or laptop computer, please contact onX customer support to delete your account. Click here to learn how to contact onX customer support.
Open the onX Offroad App and tap the Main Menu button in the upper left corner.
Tap "My Account."
Tap "Delete Account."